Friday, August 29, 2008

Infertility and the steep road........

I suppose in another life I must have done something really wrong because this life has been seriously hard. I've had my last infertility operation this past week. I share this story and the updates with all of you because I hope that it can help someone else that it may happen to or be happening to. I have one working tube and ovary and 12 more months to try and get pregnant, which brings us to year number 7. Seven years of a lot of physical and emotional pain. I wasn't going to write about this but felt it needed some sort of update for those of you who don't know what is going on and why my status updates are depressing at times. Infertility for 7 years (watching all of my friends, some on thier 2nd and 3rd babies) and 10 years of heartwrenching illnesses and disability.

The Good Part: Allen and I have eachother and hopefully always will. He is the MOST SUPPORTIVE MAN that exists. The things he's had to endure are unspeakable. In fact he doesn't speak of these things and I don't blame him, even though I do. It is helpful for me to write about things and then get them off of my chest. We still have the highest love for one another and it shows in photos that people take of us when we least expected them.

So going forward: Looks like we are going to have to move on, but I had to do just about everything before I gave up. I was never brought up to give up and my parents and sister still support me as we travel this road. Of course I can't ever forget Tricia!!!!!!!!!

Thank you those of you who actually take the time to read my stuff. Thank you to those of you who show how much you love and care about us. We couldn't do it all alone!

I'd love to go on a hike but I am on some strict rest for 4-6 weeks and I also have a broken foot that needs tending too but my operation got in the way of that.

Thanks Again to those of you who try to understand!!!!!!!!!! I am happy to answer any questions any of you may have regarding infertility and what to expect. I also welcome any questions of my chronic illnesses. People don't always understand unless they ask.


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